
Refreshment, reflection, and a little crochet

I have the privilege of being at church camp this week. It has been an excellent time of refreshment as I get to hear talks on becoming more spiritual. It has been a great time watching my kids run and play with best friends they just met, learning more of God’s word and working to store it in their hearts, and just enjoying them without the every day stresses of running a home.

Today we hiked to the top of a hill where we could enjoy the beauty and wonder of God’s creation. It is times like these that I remember to, “Be still and know that I am God.”

In the evening, after the kids are tucked in bed, I take my crochet into the lounge and talk with old friends, new friends, and people that I just met.

I got many ooo’s and ah’s over my dragonfly blanket that is nearing completion, but it was just something to fill my hands while chatting.

All in all, I’ve realized that sometimes it is ok for the crochet to stay in the bag and focus on other things.