Crochet Bee · Random Acts of Kindness

Standing Ovation

Thursday night, my husband and I had the chance to attend the annual fundraiser dinner for Choices Pregnancy Services. You’ve heard me talk about this organization before as they were who we made blankets for during last year’s blanket bee.

I have a friend who works there as an advocate and phlebotomist. She has been my contact and she invited us to the dinner.

Before Thursday, I had a notion for why I made the blankets for them. I wanted a struggling mother to feel loved with the gift of my blanket. I wanted to give them as a way of thanking that mother for choosing life for her baby.

Thursday we got to see the reality of it all–the power of love.

A video was aired of a young, unmarried couple who had gone to Choices following an unexpected pregnancy.  The video showed the processes, the ultrasound,  the counseling that both of them went through. She was just starting to get a baby bump. They chose life and were excited to meet their baby in a few months.

The video turned off and the director invited them to the stage! As they stood there, 500 people stood up and gave them a standing ovation to thank them for choosing life for their child.

This. This is why I wanted to make those blankets. I am SO glad I got to witness the organization at work.

One of the blankets headed to Choices.