Random Acts of Kindness · Subscription Box

‘Tis the Season for Giving

I have a confession to make: Sometimes I click on the ads that pop up on Facebook. *gasp*

Sometimes it’s for a very good cause though. This was the case with the Annie’s Caring Crochet Kit Club. For about $20 a month, you receive a crochet project that is designed to be made then donated to an organization.

I got my first kit in October. It was directions for two different chemo caps, which were to be donated to Knots of Love.

My first kit came with a stitch guide, three new hooks, and a needle. My kids said to me, “Why did you by a new hook? You have plenty!” Yes, children, thank you for recognizing my crochet hoarding.

The directions were very clear as were the instructions for donating. There was enough yarn to make 2+ hats. I chose to make a third one using the leftovers of both of my skeins.

I liked this project so much that I went out and bought some more soft yarn and made two more!

It did not cost much to send my five hats to California. Knots of Love called me to personally thank me for my gift. Ironically, the representative who called me was actually from the town I live in, long transplanted to the west coast. They also let me know which states my caps were going to.

Mail followed with a bonus pattern, instructions on how to further support the organization, and a fun pin!

So far, I’m a big fan of this club. It’s flexible. You are not required to donate your items, but it is suggested. The pattern can be used in the future, but if planning to use it for non-charity purposes, a donation should be made to the organization.

I have November and December’s kits waiting to be made.

November’s will go to Project Linus, an organization the supplies blankets to babies in NICUs across the country. I can look on their website and find a local chapter to send to. There is a local crisis pregnancy center that I often donate blankets to. Under the criteria for this club, I could donate it there if I wanted to.

December’s will go to Operation Gratitude, which has a “mission to lift the spirits and meet the evolving needs of the U.S. Military and First Responder communities, and provide volunteer opportunities for Americans to express their appreciation to all who serve our nation.” This is an organization I have never heard of.

That is another bonus of this club. Finding out about new charities to support.